Saturday, July 16, 2011

Student Created Wall-Sized Multi-Touch Star Wars Video Game

Arthur Nishimoto, a graduate student at the University of Illinois, might have created the greatest unofficial Star Wars game in history. It’s called Fleet Commander and it uses Star Wars iconography in a multi-player, touch screen, strategy action game. And he just did it for school. After the jump, you can look at video of the game being played on a giant 20 foot screen, read some of the specs and link to Nishimoto’s website where he explains his process. 

Thanks to Crackajack, a German site (which you can view translated right here), for the heads up.

How cool is that? But that’s just the latest iteration. Nishimoto actually made the game for a smaller screen and had to port it up to that massive one. Here’s another video.

Over on Nishimoto’s site, he gives a pretty layman description of the game and what he was going for but the simplest description is probably just from the YouTube.

Developed at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) by MS graduate candidate Arthur Nishimoto, “Fleet Commander” explores how a real-time interactive strategy game that would typically rely on complex keyboard commands and mouse interactions be transferred into a multi-user, multi-touch environment. Originally designed for use with TacTile, a 52-inch multi-touch LCD tabletop display, “Fleet Commander” game play has been ported to  EVL’s 20-foot wide multi-touch LCD wall, Cyber-Commons. “Fleet Commander” uses Processing, an open source programming language.

I don’t pretend to know what most of that means, only that the game looks incredibly fun to play and Lucasfilm should buy it from him and port it to WiiU or something that’ll have massive touch screen potential.
Do any of you develop games for a living? Is what Nishimoto did actually as impressive as it looks or is it pretty standard stuff for someone who lives in this world?


  1. OMG so much potential

  2. so awesome, i love SW and this game is like battlecruiser cockpit : D

  3. Omg... that is so sick! Wow, really wish i could play that... Walk into an arcade, see that game, see crowd around it. That would be amazing!

  4. wow thats amazing, i want to play that

  5. Can I just say that is the most incredible thing!!!


  6. haha wii u would probably be the best port he could make

  7. That is one intense school project haha.

  8. As a game dev, that's actually pretty cool. Multi-touch games are the new wave.

  9. Great game! Hit me back,

  10. you have a great and creative blog! i'll be following! ;)

  11. I totally want this game now!


  12. Awesome! Glad to see this technology, much better if I try some. Cool! buy aion account

  13. unbelievable and most aesthetic type of game i ever saw, love the Video Game Review

  14. that would be really awesome multi-touch games are still new



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